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1936 BIO - Peru Las Prosperidad de Chirinos

1936 BIO - Peru Las Prosperidad de Chirinos

PriceFrom €11.00

Hazelnut - Dark Chocolate - Apple


Region : San Ignacio / Cajamarca

Varietals : Bourbon, Catimor, Catuai, Caturra, Marsellesa, Mondo Novo, Pache, Typica
Altitude : 1200m - 1900m

Process : washed




250g - 1000g

  • About 1936

    Our coffees with the “1936” label represent our vision of a classic and accessible espresso.
    For reasons of quality and consistency, we select coffee from a single farm or cooperative.
    Located between 1200m and 1900m in altitude in Peru, near San Ignacio, the Prosperidad de Chirinos cooperative has implemented the Cosecha de Mujer program to address gender inequalities, focusing on leadership training, agriculture, coffee quality improvement, and small business management. The program also includes support for food self-sufficiency. The name "Cosecha de Mujer" highlights the work of women on the farm and at home, with a $7.50 premium per coffee sack to support this initiative.
    Founded in 1968, the cooperative has 817 members, a quarter of whom are women, and cultivates around 2200 hectares in San Ignacio, a region ideal for producing high-quality coffee.
    This washed-processed lot, made up of various varieties, will bring you cups with notes of hazelnut, dark chocolate, and apple.

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